Tuesday, January 20, 2009

smells like change!

In honor of our newest president being sworn in today, I would like to present you with this really adorable letter sent to Mr. Obama by one of the country's younger concerned citizens.

Now, you may think this letter was written by a cute little 7 or 8-year-old, but no. It was apparently written by my 26-year-old brother, Jayme. Way to disguise your boy-writing.
(Coming up: Jayme's "angry" comment calling me an idiot!)

For more childrens' letters to our new president, check out Jezebel! You'll laugh, you'll cry.. you know how it goes.

Here's to the start of a new era.


Sarah at Journeying With Him said...

That's hilarious!!! How did he sneak it into the collection?

JaRube said...

If I had actually written this letter, I would have added: "1-a-day Experience Tablets" and "Kellogg's Hope Flakes."

In all seriousness, today's ceremony moved me more than I had anticipated. I think President Obama framed the conversations we'll all be having over the next few years quite well.

And if Aretha Franklin sung any longer, I would have joined the Peace Corps. What an inspiring set of pipes. No joke.

Love you, Em.

p.s. you're an idiot.

Anonymous said...

I love the Obamas but it looks like Michelle could use some cheeseburgers too.